Books I Could Re-Read FOREVER

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Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

And the introduction out of the way let’s get started! This weeks topic is BOOKS I CAN RE-READ FOREVER!!!!!!

Do I even need to do this list honestly? You guys know which books I can read forever. If you don’t then you must be new…

Harry Potter Series


Like Duh! I thought that now I am 25 my mind would have changed and I would find more problems with them or just generally find more flaws that the 7 year old me missed but I recently finished Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and to be quite honest I enjoyed it more now as an adult as compared to when I was a kid because now I can appreciate how talented J.K. Rowling is (which is why I am a tad bit sad that her Cormoran Strike series didn’t captivate me as much as Harry Potter did) and how much time and creativity that was spent on building the characters, the plot, the world and their interactions. I had many moments where I laughed out loud reading HP and The Philosopher’s Stone and it has made me want to re-read the series all over again (Not Harry Potter and the cursed child though… that book will NEVER be canon in my eyes. OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL I CONSIDER THAT BOOK CANON… Even now I still can rant over the injustice that is that book. Ugh I can’t even… it will only get my blood pressure up). The book was just so good for me (I say book because you never know maybe the later installments I finally find flaws to critique).

Percy Jackson and the Olympians


I really enjoyed this series. I enjoyed it so much I spent over RM 300++ to buy the next series; The Kane Chronicles and The Heroes of Olympus series, of which I partially regretted because I had realized too late that I did not enjoy Rick’s new writing style and how his newer books lack any consequence and felt so juvenile-ish. With Percy Jackson, yes the books are for middle graders especially the first few but as you read you grow with the characters. The stakes get higher and characters die (not the main characters but you can win them all) so you feel like shit is going to hit the fan any moment. I would definitely re-read if my library stocked these books in order because I swear they don’t have them all and it infuriates me. Why get a book in a series if you’re not going to get the whole series. I don’t understand that logic.

Millenium series


I am not too sure why I even like re-reading this series. I just kind of do especially the third book (The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest). I haven’t read the newer ones from this other author and I probably won’t not that I didn’t try. I did. It just wasn’t as engaging anymore.

Sabriel, Lirael & Abhorsen


Yeah they’re from the Old Kingdom Series but I didn’t read Clariel and some other books from the series and have only read these three hahahha. I really like this series because as much as I hate Garth Nix and his huge time jump between books (excluding Lirael and Abhorsen) I quite enjoy reading about different heroines and their differing strengths and weaknesses and their character growth. It is intriguing to see how the environment of said heroines has a huge influence on their power and how they tackle obstacles in their way. Like Sabriel who has been trained to be an Abhorsen is calm, cool and collected and knows her shit whereas Lirael who was an unknowing Abhorsen but was raised as a Clayr is unsure, nervous at first but bloomed to be a resourceful and intelligent heroine. I have heard that Clariel was an Abhorsen who went rogue so yeah all of the heroines are interesting in their own way.

Funny how I don’t say historical romance as books I can re-read forever because I feel that historical romance isn’t the type of book you would call evergreen or timeless because I loved Judith McNaught books when I was younger but now re-reading it again I realized that the books were very problematic. Also, historical romance is the type of book that doesn’t have much nuance and it is like if you read one you have read them all.

And so yeah these are the only books that I can see myself re-reading it forever. I haven’t found any other books that I feel deserves to be on the forever list as of yet but I am still searching.



  1. Hi 🙂

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    Happy blogging!

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  2. Though I generally don’t reread books, because I have grandchildren, I have ended up rereading the Harry Potter books and I found I enjoyed them just as much as I did the first time around. Rowling’s characterisation and worldbuilding is so strong that I can overlook her occasional head-hopping and shifts in viewpoint. She is a hugely talented storyteller…

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